Calculus the Killer Math Course (Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer)

By Russ Tilton


You know Geometry, Algebra, Pre-cal, and your trig-

You’ve studied variables, and functions, and cosines, and sig figs;

But do you recall the most difficult math class of all?


Calculus the killer math course, just as hard as it could be,

And if you ever took it, you’d agree whole-heartedly.

All of my fellow classmates, beg and plead repeatedly,

Calculus has no mercy, that’s what Korpi’s shown to me.


Then one fateful winter’s day, the roads were full of ice,

We had an extra hour and a half, man it felt so nice.

All of the other students, get to go and have some fun,

We have to stay and study, we don’t hang out with anyone!



Calculus the killer math course, makes my brain go numb,

One half of the year is finished, and the other is soon to come.

Our books are open but we don’t get it, staring blankly at the page,

I don’t know what I’m doing; I’ll soon be in a rage!


Then one fateful summer’s day, we’ll all take the AP test,

We’ll all fail it miserably, but we’ll say we did our best!

All of the other students, get to go and have some fun,

We have to stay and study, we don’t hang out with anyone!


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